Thursday, May 12, 2016

Fruit to be avoid during this hot weather

Fruit to be avoid during this summer

Thailand; apart from sea, sand, sun, and beach, is well-known of the country contains of many delicious kind of fruits. However, everything in this whole life usually contains with 2 sides; positive and negative. Some fruit is very good to eat during winter because it helps warm up our body, while some fruit should not be eaten during summer. Since it's summer here in Thailand, which fruit to be avoid during this summer


The first fruit to avoid during this summer is Durian. Durian is a type of fruit with its appearance and shap semilar to jackfruit but its thrown is more sharp and dangerous than jackfruit. Its taste is very sweet and filled up with a lot of sugar while its smell is completely unique and unacceptable.

Even though its smell is very bad but its taste is too good to be true, many people end up with loving it unconditionally, especially Thai and Chinese people. Unfortunately, with its excessive of sugar level, durain has caused many people to lost thier lives to it from consuming too much and body system got failure.

Durian, the worst smell but the best test fruit in Thailand
Many people first run away from it when they first smell but end up with falling in love with it unconditionally after they tried just the first chew and swallow.

Even though I said it's very dangerous during this summer time, what I meant is it very dangerous when you eat too much. Too much means more than 3 seeds of them. How much is 3 seeds of them you might wonder, please look at the following picture, It contains with 2 seeds.
2 seeds of durian, the right amout to eat during summer

More than 2 seeds eating is not recommended, because you will have problem in your stomach and also digestive system. So, please be aware of this safety during summer. 

Remark:  There is a tip of consuming durian from old people saying, after durian people should eat mangosteen to help reduce body temperature. 
mangostteen should be following durian to reduce body temperature.

 Have a nice stay with love 


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