Showing posts with label warning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warning. Show all posts

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Fruit to be avoid during this hot weather

Fruit to be avoid during this summer

Thailand; apart from sea, sand, sun, and beach, is well-known of the country contains of many delicious kind of fruits. However, everything in this whole life usually contains with 2 sides; positive and negative. Some fruit is very good to eat during winter because it helps warm up our body, while some fruit should not be eaten during summer. Since it's summer here in Thailand, which fruit to be avoid during this summer


The first fruit to avoid during this summer is Durian. Durian is a type of fruit with its appearance and shap semilar to jackfruit but its thrown is more sharp and dangerous than jackfruit. Its taste is very sweet and filled up with a lot of sugar while its smell is completely unique and unacceptable.

Even though its smell is very bad but its taste is too good to be true, many people end up with loving it unconditionally, especially Thai and Chinese people. Unfortunately, with its excessive of sugar level, durain has caused many people to lost thier lives to it from consuming too much and body system got failure.

Durian, the worst smell but the best test fruit in Thailand
Many people first run away from it when they first smell but end up with falling in love with it unconditionally after they tried just the first chew and swallow.

Even though I said it's very dangerous during this summer time, what I meant is it very dangerous when you eat too much. Too much means more than 3 seeds of them. How much is 3 seeds of them you might wonder, please look at the following picture, It contains with 2 seeds.
2 seeds of durian, the right amout to eat during summer

More than 2 seeds eating is not recommended, because you will have problem in your stomach and also digestive system. So, please be aware of this safety during summer. 

Remark:  There is a tip of consuming durian from old people saying, after durian people should eat mangosteen to help reduce body temperature. 
mangostteen should be following durian to reduce body temperature.

 Have a nice stay with love 


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Weather Update

Think I should say something about the weather here in Pattaya in case some of you might have a plan to visit Thailand during this month, so I decided to come up with this weather update section. 

Since you know already that Thailand is one of many other countries that geographically located on where the tropical climate is divided into three seasons; cool in November to February, hot in March to May, and rainy in June to October. The seasons are more extreme in the northern regions, where the dry heat can grow quite intense in late spring and the cool can 

become cold in the mountain area such as Chiangrai, Chiangmai, Meahongson, etc.
However, once again, I'm sure everyone well aware of the world climate change situation already - it causes the weather all around the world to be obviously changed into something unexpectedly. In some hot area turned into cold while in some cold turned to be warmer. In Thailand, the weather also changed - from pretty hot to be very hot right now. 
Sun gets very strong since it rises in the morning already.

Yes, the weather here in Thailand is very hot at the moment; temperature out there is 35 Celsius degree while I'm writing this article, May 7 2016. The sunlight right now is very clear and strong, the heat is completely at least 5 -7 degrees increased. Even though I'm Thai, born and grew up here till my early 30 year old, this is the first time I ever experience this kind of hot sun and strong clear sunlight. I'm currently having many small black circle spot on my facial skin - doctor siad my skin melanin working too hard from getting the sun outside and skin color pixel turned into dark mode. 

So, please kindly be informed that; for those who is planning to travel Thailand, please make sure that you have you hat, light clothes, and glasses prepared into your suitcase, and the most important thing is you need at least sunscreen lotion with SPF 50+++ at least with you at all time, or your skin will get burnt and end up with Skin Cancer. 

With love and hugs

Friday, May 6, 2016


News Source:
This is the proof that what I said about crime rate and snatcher here in Pattaya is getting more serious and higher. According to the report, there were 2 snatching cases last night in Pattaya, happened to Chinese tourists.
victims showing police where their gold chain snatched
According to what I just mentioned in the last post warning about crime rate here in Pattaya getting higher and even more serious than before. Last night, there were 2 snatching cases happened in Pattaya, the first one to Chinese tourists on Naklua road, and another case happened to Korean tourist in Pattaya road. 

This is pretty sad but it's true that the economic here in Thailand and Pattaya is getting worse and rapidly heading down to hell. People getting even more poorer from what they used to have before. Many snatching cases and crime getting obviously higher. 

Again, I'm here to warn all tourists in Pattaya that, travelling Pattaya is not that dangerous if you know how the current situation going on. Pattaya is still very beautiful and has many things to offer, also people still very friendly and welcoming. But, at the moment, please leave your valuable accessory such as gold chain at home or hotel safety box, do not carry the original passport with you in case it might get lost - take the photocopy one instead, carry the amount of cash just enough for you to spend, and lady long handbag like in the above picture please be well aware that it's really attracted by thief. 

One thing I can still be very sure no matter what's going on over here in Pattaya or Thailand just like this case that most of the Thai people are very nice, friendly, and welcoming. This case doesn't represent the people of the whole country. So, please be informed during this time making a trip to travel destination in Thailand. 

with love 

CREDIT: courtesy news and picture from Manager Website Thailand Manager Online Thailand

Monday, May 2, 2016

Crime Rate Getting Higher

As I told you that this page I meant to set up for you to be living well and safety during your stay here in Pattaya. When I see something going wrong, I promise to warn you, also this time too. I'm going to say going out with valuable accessories at night is highly not recommended.

Since the economic here in Thailand is in recession still, many people don't have certain job to do crime rates over here is getting higher in the meantime. Since I'm working in press and media field, I get to read many articles involving bag, gold chain, lady bag snatching here in Pattaya.

Most of the cases operated by using motorbike to approach victims and snatch away valuable items while tourist victims having good time exploring the city, most of the cases took place in South Pattaya, late at night or very early morning.
Add caption
 For your safety reason, I suggest all tourists in Pattaya to keep your valuable items in hotel safety box. Lady handbag and gold chain are the most targetted. Just a photocopy of your passport and some cash with you for a night out is highly recommended. Beach road late at night, 10 pm onwards till morning, is not the right place for you to sitback, relax and enjoy a night sea breeze because most cases took place over there.

I'm sorry if what I worte might sound like I'm destroying my city where I live, work, and survive, but I just can't stand seeing things happen without doing anything. I said what has really happened, with my good intention, I'm sure Thai people and authority will understand in the end.

Stay Safe and Have Fun