Showing posts with label Dealwithweather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dealwithweather. Show all posts

Thursday, May 12, 2016

How to travel Pattaya happily with current weather

How to travel in Pattaya Happily with this weather.

The weather here in Pattaya right now, I would say, is terribly hot. Even Thai people who have been living in Pattaya for decades admit completely the beautiful tropical weather they used to, has been changed into something almost unacceptable. So, I'm going to talk about How to travel in Pattaya Happily with this weather. So, you can prepare yourself to be survive in this kind of strange weather.

How to travel in Pattaya happily with this weather, first of all, I would explain and guide you how to get to know about the factors of what might hurt your skin and health. They are including of the following;
  • Sunlight 
  • High temperature 
  • How to handle 


Sunlight refers to the light that coming straightly from the sun containing with heat and UV ray itself. Since the sunlight right now in Thailand seems to be shining directly and powerfully to the planet, I would suggest everyone especially all you guys who used to living in the cold country to keep yourself away from it because this can harm you skin and health. Please make sure that you have all over you body skin applied with high sun screen protection filter at least 50+++. Without this much protection rate, sorry, your skin will be sure burnt and will lead to skin cancer.

Even though myself, I'm 100% Thai, born and grew up here in Thailand, living and growing under the sun my whole life since I was a village boy who has to work in the farm under the hot sun all the time, but I'm not can't stand the current terribly hot sun from the sunlight.

Once again in this paragraph about sunlight, please make sure you have your skin applied with sun screen before going out and try to keep yourself indoor as much as possible. If you prefer to get sunbathe, 4-5 pm is the good time, the rest of this, it's too dangerous.

High Temperature

Apart from strong sunlight shying directly from the hot sun, the temperature down here is also strange. The reason I'm saying 'very strange' because of it's not only hot (very warm) but it's also contained with humidity.

This hight humidity usually make people feel uncomfortable and hard to breath - many people and even myself have a problem with breathing by feeling tight inside the chest for some reason.

In order to deal with this, I suggest everyone to wear light cloth such as vest or light fabric type of clothes. Please also carry a bottle of water with you at all time to sip regularly - not drinking a lot of water in one time. This is in order to keep your body temperature in the certain level at all time.

The most important thing, even though this would be the most difficult part to do during you vacation, please avoid drinking alcohol. Because doctor said this will make your body to work too hard and will finally be getting failure in the end. Sad but true, there are few report of tourists got shocked and died from their excessive drinking behavior during their vacation here in the past few weeks already, I don't want this to happen to even one of you. So, please avoid drinking alcohol during this time of vacation please.

Remark: please avoid eating Durian, this favorite fruit, during this time too. Because, last week report a Chinese tourist died from eating durian already. Picture below is what Durian looks like and I will talk about it in the next article in warning section.
one of the most favorite Thai fruit but dangerous during summer time.

 How to handle 

How to travel in Pattaya Happily with current weather as I told you the weather right now is completely strange, so the easiest way to handle is by yourself to bear in mind that whatever foods or activities that will increase your body temperature including clothes, you have to avoid. I'm sure you even know better than me on what going to make yourself temperature increase, so please don't do. 

One last important thing is, please take good care of your mental temperature to be in certain cool level. Avoid staying in the place that will make you upset and mad which will cause your mental temperature to be increase and burn you from inside, because this can be even more dangerous and hard to cure than physical. Don't you agree? 

Have a nice day in Pattaya everyone. 
with love 