Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts

Thursday, May 12, 2016

How to travel Pattaya happily with current weather

How to travel in Pattaya Happily with this weather.

The weather here in Pattaya right now, I would say, is terribly hot. Even Thai people who have been living in Pattaya for decades admit completely the beautiful tropical weather they used to, has been changed into something almost unacceptable. So, I'm going to talk about How to travel in Pattaya Happily with this weather. So, you can prepare yourself to be survive in this kind of strange weather.

How to travel in Pattaya happily with this weather, first of all, I would explain and guide you how to get to know about the factors of what might hurt your skin and health. They are including of the following;
  • Sunlight 
  • High temperature 
  • How to handle 


Sunlight refers to the light that coming straightly from the sun containing with heat and UV ray itself. Since the sunlight right now in Thailand seems to be shining directly and powerfully to the planet, I would suggest everyone especially all you guys who used to living in the cold country to keep yourself away from it because this can harm you skin and health. Please make sure that you have all over you body skin applied with high sun screen protection filter at least 50+++. Without this much protection rate, sorry, your skin will be sure burnt and will lead to skin cancer.

Even though myself, I'm 100% Thai, born and grew up here in Thailand, living and growing under the sun my whole life since I was a village boy who has to work in the farm under the hot sun all the time, but I'm not can't stand the current terribly hot sun from the sunlight.

Once again in this paragraph about sunlight, please make sure you have your skin applied with sun screen before going out and try to keep yourself indoor as much as possible. If you prefer to get sunbathe, 4-5 pm is the good time, the rest of this, it's too dangerous.

High Temperature

Apart from strong sunlight shying directly from the hot sun, the temperature down here is also strange. The reason I'm saying 'very strange' because of it's not only hot (very warm) but it's also contained with humidity.

This hight humidity usually make people feel uncomfortable and hard to breath - many people and even myself have a problem with breathing by feeling tight inside the chest for some reason.

In order to deal with this, I suggest everyone to wear light cloth such as vest or light fabric type of clothes. Please also carry a bottle of water with you at all time to sip regularly - not drinking a lot of water in one time. This is in order to keep your body temperature in the certain level at all time.

The most important thing, even though this would be the most difficult part to do during you vacation, please avoid drinking alcohol. Because doctor said this will make your body to work too hard and will finally be getting failure in the end. Sad but true, there are few report of tourists got shocked and died from their excessive drinking behavior during their vacation here in the past few weeks already, I don't want this to happen to even one of you. So, please avoid drinking alcohol during this time of vacation please.

Remark: please avoid eating Durian, this favorite fruit, during this time too. Because, last week report a Chinese tourist died from eating durian already. Picture below is what Durian looks like and I will talk about it in the next article in warning section.
one of the most favorite Thai fruit but dangerous during summer time.

 How to handle 

How to travel in Pattaya Happily with current weather as I told you the weather right now is completely strange, so the easiest way to handle is by yourself to bear in mind that whatever foods or activities that will increase your body temperature including clothes, you have to avoid. I'm sure you even know better than me on what going to make yourself temperature increase, so please don't do. 

One last important thing is, please take good care of your mental temperature to be in certain cool level. Avoid staying in the place that will make you upset and mad which will cause your mental temperature to be increase and burn you from inside, because this can be even more dangerous and hard to cure than physical. Don't you agree? 

Have a nice day in Pattaya everyone. 
with love 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How to successfully date a Thai guy?

How to successfully date a Thai guy in Pattaya?

Thailand is a beautiful country that has almost everything everyone would ask for; sea, sand, sun, beach, fruit, food, weather, and people. Many tourists ended up staying here as long as possible, of course many of them decided to settle down here till the rest of their lives.

Just because of nice weather and the others I mentioned on the above paragraph, I don't think they are powerful enough to influent someone to stay permanently. There must be something more or very special than that. Can you figure it out now what and why it's so powerful to change someone's decision in life? If you are not too dumb you should know what I'm talking about, yes - you are right, I'm talking about people.   Herein this article I will talk about Thai guy.

Why Thai guy is attractive?

The truely charm of Thai people is about their characteristic of humble and shy which is hardly to find in western people who usually opened up and straightforward. Thai people and Thai guys have been raised and taught to be that way. When the humbleness combines with they dark, smooth, and slim figure, it turns them to be even more adorable and interesting.

I have experienced directly with many Thai - foreign relastionships that ended up unsuccessfully for some reasons that even both of them didn't even clearly know why, especially on the foreign side who has made big decision if life to move here - of course it's not fun at all to realize things didn't work after they, some of them, have lost their jobs or what they should have back home in another side of the world. Some are strong enough and able to start over their lives again, while some of them decided to end up everything including their lives.

Why their relationship has come to an end, I will be straightforward writing the fact from my side that will at least to learn more about what have been wrong with you and your relationship situation.

How to successfully date a Thai guy in Pattaya is written on true story basis. From my 16 yearsr experience living here in Pattaya and been socializing a lot with many Thai and foreign guys relationship which most of them finally ended up and split away. If you ever experienced it by yourself, can you tell me exactly why your relationship with a Thai guy has come to an end? I'm sure most of you can't give me clear answer. However, even though you might think that you are so sure with the answer to give me, still I don't think you are right.

Why I'm so sure that your answer given to me will surely not right? Of course, I should have my own reason to support what I said and I will try to explain you why in the following writing in this article. My answer in the end will amaze you, probably it's something that you never thought before while you're in relationship with your boyfriend. And in the end, who is to blame and to be blaimed, let's start and find out the answer!

  1. Where did you both first meet? 

    Sorry to start the first section just like this, but I once again have the reason to ask you this because it will lead us, you and me, to understand the next chapter even more clearly. When I asked where did you both first meet - yes it's important and take quite a major role in what going to happen in the future.

    (to be continued)


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

How To & Tips

Every single community in this whole world usually contains with its unique way of living and geography which turns out to be the tradition or culture. While many things are so right and acceptable in where you live, it doesn't mean the same things in others. Many times people from different countries had to end up with fighting, verbally or physically, caused by misunderstanding or misinterpreting.

This section will be slowly showing and explaining you W&H to deal or understand the situation right in front of you in accurate way according to Thai culture. I will try to explain every single thing slowly and clearly of why it happens that way, and how to behave yourself towards it.
How to live in Pattaya happily and well-accepted.

This would also consider as learning Thai culture while you are traveling or living here. Even though you are here for just short term visitor, I'm sure you will at least get to know about Thais and their culture.

Not only getting to know, but this will help you stay happily with Thai people and community as the tourist, or even well-accepted part of our community if you might have a plan in mind to stay here little longer or even settle down here in Thailand. Since you have nothing to lose but little of your time, let's jump in my boat and I'll show you around.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Tourist Tips for Songkran Festival 2016

How to keep yourself safe, dry, and fun during Songkran festival 2016

Thailand celebrates the biggest event in April for their Thai new year, known as Songkran festival. The celebration mostly seen to be involved with water playing, splashing, or even ceremony. 100% of Thai people is wet from water splashing. Yes, it’s great and fun for Thai people but I’m sure it’s probably not for foreign visitors or tourists like you. What do you need to do if you are one who don’t want to get wait from this celebration. The following is How to keep yourself safe, dry, and fun during Songkran Festival in Thailand 2016.

Songkran or Thai new year celebration started already this week through and around the country of Thailand, April 13-15. But wait, it not happens yet in Pattaya until April 19. The celebration in Pattaya is surely not what you have seen or watched in television seeing Thai people dress and pouring on each other softly and beautifully, but it’s celebrated like water war in battle field when everything usually goes crazy with no sign of an end, starts early morning till the very late at night. Every single corner and street turns into a river, ten thousand of buses with hundreds thousand of crowds pack up, traffic can hardly move, people keep playing, drinking, singling, splashing water all the time.

Since the celebration involves water playing activity, the most important suggestion I would strictly ask you to keep in mind is about your electronic devices and official paper, do keep them in water resistant container such as plastic, metal, or whatever you can find that is able to completely block the mass of water.

Regarding How to keep yourself safe, dry, and fun during Songkran festival in Thailand that my title says on the far most top of this page. My best suggestion for you is ‘keep yourself locked in the hotel room’. This is because there is no way I can figure out that you would be safe from being soaked walking down the street packed with water celebration like this.

The choice is yours, you rather keep yourself locked in the hotel getting bored like the world is so cruel or better grasp your colourful easy-to-dry outfits, keep electronic devices in the hotel room or finding a good plastic bag to keep them safe if you prefer to take them with you, walk down to street and be part of the celebration. Join it or leave it, the choice is truly yours.

Happy Thai New Year
April 14, 2015

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Warning: Bag Snatcher & Pickpocket in Pattaya

Important: this article written on August 26, 2015, I decided to write this after I found out the number of bag snatchers here in Pattaya is dramatically increased proved by the articles I reported on TV.
I tried to understand it’s acceptable and natural in city like Pattaya that there must be some of this case of bag snatcher or pick-pocketers, but after the numbers of articles are increasing, I should make this report to you guys.

According to world economic recession, chronic political in Bangkok, especially the governing system here in Thailand has lowered many credit and trust from tourists. This caused many people here to live unemployed. My personal opinion from what I see: people here in Thailand especially in Pattaya getting poorer, many people around me are facing financial problem affected from business recession, middle and working class people having less money to spend compare to the last few years. Fortunately I’m out of this because my kind of work isn’t depended on economic going up or down, being public relation, TV news announcer, translator, no matter what economic is I will be employed; especially when business is going down the owner usually even needs me more to promote their business, so let say ‘thank god I’m safe’

But for you guys as tourists, situation right now here in Pattaya, I’m sorry to say you are not that safe. Especially ladies who has valuable accessories including gold, silver, and other jewelries, because you would become a targeted-victim abruptly – please avoid carrying or going out with valuable gold or jewelry chains, wearing ring is fine, cash in hand should be just enough for what activity you plan to do only. And above of all things, all ladies during going out please avoid using lady handbag, flap, or bag with long hanging string like in picture, because this kind of bag is really easy to be snatched and mostly the hanging string made of thin metal or leather that usually easy tear off. Also, mobile phone and real-passport should not be kept in the bag too.
most dangerous lady bag type when you re out

The article I reported yesterday is about “A Russian lady walked down the street at 5 am looking for food to bring back to eat at her hotel. She carried lady handbag with long hanging string, real-passport, mobile phone, and 5,000 baht cash inside the bag. During her exploring food stalls along the street, she unluckily got her bag snatched. Usually this kind of case less than 20% the snatchers are caught by police.” So, I decided to write this article to warn everyone cuz this is real situation here in Pattaya.

Remark: it’s suggestible not to keep my warning for only non-Thai reader because Thai authority may not like what I wrote here, but don’t worry, I am and will be safe.