Showing posts with label date Thai guy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label date Thai guy. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How to successfully date a Thai guy?

How to successfully date a Thai guy in Pattaya?

Thailand is a beautiful country that has almost everything everyone would ask for; sea, sand, sun, beach, fruit, food, weather, and people. Many tourists ended up staying here as long as possible, of course many of them decided to settle down here till the rest of their lives.

Just because of nice weather and the others I mentioned on the above paragraph, I don't think they are powerful enough to influent someone to stay permanently. There must be something more or very special than that. Can you figure it out now what and why it's so powerful to change someone's decision in life? If you are not too dumb you should know what I'm talking about, yes - you are right, I'm talking about people.   Herein this article I will talk about Thai guy.

Why Thai guy is attractive?

The truely charm of Thai people is about their characteristic of humble and shy which is hardly to find in western people who usually opened up and straightforward. Thai people and Thai guys have been raised and taught to be that way. When the humbleness combines with they dark, smooth, and slim figure, it turns them to be even more adorable and interesting.

I have experienced directly with many Thai - foreign relastionships that ended up unsuccessfully for some reasons that even both of them didn't even clearly know why, especially on the foreign side who has made big decision if life to move here - of course it's not fun at all to realize things didn't work after they, some of them, have lost their jobs or what they should have back home in another side of the world. Some are strong enough and able to start over their lives again, while some of them decided to end up everything including their lives.

Why their relationship has come to an end, I will be straightforward writing the fact from my side that will at least to learn more about what have been wrong with you and your relationship situation.

How to successfully date a Thai guy in Pattaya is written on true story basis. From my 16 yearsr experience living here in Pattaya and been socializing a lot with many Thai and foreign guys relationship which most of them finally ended up and split away. If you ever experienced it by yourself, can you tell me exactly why your relationship with a Thai guy has come to an end? I'm sure most of you can't give me clear answer. However, even though you might think that you are so sure with the answer to give me, still I don't think you are right.

Why I'm so sure that your answer given to me will surely not right? Of course, I should have my own reason to support what I said and I will try to explain you why in the following writing in this article. My answer in the end will amaze you, probably it's something that you never thought before while you're in relationship with your boyfriend. And in the end, who is to blame and to be blaimed, let's start and find out the answer!

  1. Where did you both first meet? 

    Sorry to start the first section just like this, but I once again have the reason to ask you this because it will lead us, you and me, to understand the next chapter even more clearly. When I asked where did you both first meet - yes it's important and take quite a major role in what going to happen in the future.

    (to be continued)